PureMVC has been my framework of choice for the last 18 months, the beginning of our relationship was a bit rocky but after a while we got to know each outher. Now, looking back at atleast the ten bigger projects I have done since, I'd say we know one another well, so well that I have learned a bunch of new hints and tips. Something I thought I might aswell share on this blog.

Im not only making this little article as a reflection of my past experiences, but also to mark a new start for me with my new framework of choice RobotLegs, and this felt like a good way to end things :) In time I might go back to using PureMVC, perhaps not. PureMVC is anyway a great framework and alot of fun, so I hope some of these puremvc tips comes in handy!

1. Dare to use Proxies

The hardest part for me was to use Proxies. In the beginning I often ended up using a mediator when I could have used a proxy instead. Take a look at these examples.

SizeProxy = This Proxy listens for stage resize events and sends out resize notifications all through the application. In the past I embedded this functionality into a mediator called ApplicationMediator.

AddressProxy = This Proxy takes care of all state management related data, and do everything from setting, retriving, formatting and finally sending out notifications. In the past I had this functionality into a mediator aswell. (Shame on me!)

2. Keeping track of your proxies and mediators

Avoid always re-typing string representations when dealing with proxies and mediators. Add a static constant variable named NAME in your classes and refer to that variable any time you need to access the proxy/mediator. Like this.

The class
package se.marteinn.puremvc.single.view
	import org.puremvc.as3.interfaces.IMediator;
	import org.puremvc.as3.patterns.mediator.Mediator;

	public class ApplicationMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator
		public static const NAME:String = "applicationMediator";
Registrating the mediator
this.facade.registerMediator( new ApplicationMediator( ApplicationMediator.NAME, application ) );
Retriving the mediator
this.facade.retriveMediator( ApplicationMediator.NAME ) as ApplicationMediator

Aww, you get the idea!

3. Dont forget your OOP

Remember that Mediators are still classes that you can extend. So dont be afraid to make your own “abstract” classes.

Like this
package se.marteinn.puremvc.single.view.states
	import org.puremvc.as3.interfaces.IMediator;
	import org.puremvc.as3.patterns.mediator.Mediator;

	public class StateMediator extends Mediator implements IMediator

		public function StateMediator(mediatorName:String=null, viewComponent:Object=null)
			super(mediatorName, viewComponent);

		public function singJohnnyCash ()
			trace( “Ring of fire” );
And then extending it.
package se.marteinn.puremvc.single.view.states
	import se.marteinn.puremvc.single.view.states.StateMediator;
	import org.puremvc.as3.interfaces.IMediator;

	public class PageStateMediator extends StateMediator implements IMediator
		public function PageStateMediator(mediatorName:String=null, viewComponent:Object=null)
			super(mediatorName, viewComponent);


4a. Be nice to the commands

Keep them as clear and as re-usable as possible. Try not to manipulate mediators directly in the command, use notifications instead. (Since its all ok for a mediator to retrive notifications).

4b. But use a command whenever you can

Commands makes your application easier to understand and to work with, so use commands whenever it feels right.

5. Organizing notifications

Placing all notifications into one class (placed in the application root) helps keeping track of things.

package se.marteinn.puremvc.single
	public class ApplicationNotifications
		public static const STARTUP:String = "startup";
		// preload related
		public static const INIT_PRELOAD:String = "initPreload";
		public static const START_PRELOAD:String = "startPreload";
		public static const LOAD_CONFIG:String = "loadConfig";
		public static const CONFIG_LOADED:String = "configLoaded";
		// yada yada..
And its easy to access
sendNotification( ApplicationNotifications. STARTUP );

6. Organizing parameters

To place values the application needs to actually work, such as api keys and values you dont want to store in a external config file, into its own class is a good idea.

package se.marteinn.puremvc.single
	public class ApplicationParameters
		public static const GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY:String = "asd234234dssdf";

And its easy to access

loadStuff( ApplicationParameters. GOOGLE_MAPS_API_KEY );

7. Use onRegister whenever you can on your proxies and mediators

My advice is not to place construction code into the constructor of proxies/methods, instead override the onRegister method and place your code there. It makes you code easier to read and give you less bugs in the future (when porting a app to multicore). Read more here http://lowpitch.com/blog/puremvc-multicore-vs-standard-singlecore/

8. The namespace

So, how should a PureMVC namespace be organized? Well, a namespace can be organized in many forms, this is my way in doing it.

			(My controller specific VO:s here)

		(My commands here)

			(My model specific VO:s here)
			(My model specific services here)

		(My proxies here)
			(View related components here)
		(My mediators here)

It could also look like this:
			(My controller specific VO:s here)
			(My commands here)

			(My model specific VO:s here)
			(My model specific services here)
			(My proxies here)
			(View related components here)
			(My mediators here)


9. Adding a interface to the application main class

To make things as flexible as possible and to simplify when installing my puremvc base into a new application, I have a interface called IApplication, where the main Application implements IApplication. That way:

The application class can be named whatever, as long its implementing IApplication...
	import flash.display.Sprite;
	import flash.display.StageAlign;
	import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
	import flash.events.Event;

	import se.marteinn.puremvc.single.IApplication;

	[SWF(frameRate="31", backgroundColor="#000000")]
	public class TestApp extends Sprite implements IApplication
		protected function draw () : void
			ApplicationFacade.getInstance().startup( this );
...the facade will be fine with it
package se.birth.puremvc.single
	import org.puremvc.as3.interfaces.IFacade;
	import org.puremvc.as3.patterns.facade.Facade;
	import se.marteinn.puremvc.single.controller.StartupCommand;

	public class ApplicationFacade extends Facade implements IFacade
		protected static var instance:ApplicationFacade;
		public static function getInstance () : ApplicationFacade
			if( instance == null )
				instance = new ApplicationFacade ();
			return instance;
		override protected function initializeController():void
			this.registerCommand( ApplicationNotifications.STARTUP, StartupCommand );
		public function startup ( application:IApplication ) : void
			this.sendNotification( ApplicationNotifications.STARTUP, application );

Read more

If you are looking for more advice and thoughts on how to build better PureMVC applications, look at these links:

10 tips for working with PureMVC by Jens Krause http://www.flex-labs.de/blog/2008/10/10-tips-for-working-with-puremvc-by-jens-krause/

Building a Flash site using PureMVC http://hubflanger.com/building-a-flash-site-using-puremvc/

My own PureMVC collection of links (both Singlecore and Multicore) http://delicious.com/marteinn/puremvc

Last but not least, the PureMVC.org website with the all mighty guru of know it all Cliff Hall http://www.puremvc.org/
