2014 was a productive year for me. I would round it up like this: less cms/more frameworks (at work), two new side projects and a couple of open source libraries out in the open.


My second year as a developer at Fröjd, while running MadeInStockholm on the side. Really enjoying this combination.



I got to do a lot more Python this year, mostly by shipping a couple of Django projects, both at work and home. Also dug deeper into Flask by building a static blog generator. Spent time on tooling by creating a capistrano'ish Fabric clone. Created a couple of smaller os-libraries. Attended DjangoCon in Stockholm.


Spent most of my spare time, and during summer, work time, with Android. Got more into modularity and package handling through Gradle, finally threw out Eclipse and replaced it with Android Studio. Tried out a couple of libraries, those worth mentioning are: Volley, OkHttp and ButterKnife. Java comes pretty natual to me.


In opposit of Java, Objective-C does not come naturally to me at all, I put some of the blame on XCode. So I tried out AppCode from Intellji and liked it. Started to move away from storyboard based layouts towards building interfaces programmatically. Learned package handling with CocoaPods and improved my logging with Lumberjack.


Started to play around with Angular on a couple of projects, switched AMD to CommonJS, through Browserify. Unexpectedly got into a full blown Node.js project at work based on Restify and MongoDB. Attended Nordic.js - which was awesome!


Literally business as usual, since I only use PHP at work. My most memorable work this year was setting up standards and putting together wordpress boilerplates.


Besides programming languages I did changes among my dev tools. Found a screen replacement in tmux and finally replaced janus with my own Vundle based Vim package.



Spent a bit of the summer building this music discovery tool, it finds new music releases, rates them and makes them easy to access through streaming services. Lots of Django, BeautifulSoup and Angular.

For Boxee - A Better Remote

A easy to use Boxee remote for Android. You can read more about it here.


Spent the first half of 2014 providing VW with a steady stream of features, mostly related to social features, as well as a more minimalistic redesign.

Open Source


Blog system built in Flask through Flask-Freeze with FTP and S3 publishing.


Python library that digs through music reviews and attempts to find the genres discussed in review.


Digs through wordpress exports file and returns a well formatted python dict.


A super simple Android logging tool that in short replaces Log and accepts a wide range of parameters (no more casting) and gives details about the whereabouts of the log statement.


Lets you load define and load settings by xml files through Androids raw cataloge.


Uses decorators to apply fonts through a dependecy injection manner. Does not support fragments yet.


Provides a way of enabling/disabling feature flags in Android.


Finally, these are my goals for 2015.

  1. Try out React.js
  2. Build something in Swift
  3. Play with Docker
  4. More Linux - more systools.
  5. Continue on the Vim path.
  6. Better mobile dev TDD
  7. Read more programming books (starting with Test Driven Development with Python)
  8. Start to use twitter again
  9. Tinker with Ansible
  10. Ship ship ship!